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Medway 11+ Test 2024

All year 5 parent update:

Whilst no details have officially been made available yet, we believe the Medway 11+ Test will have some changes this year.

It is expected that the Extended Writing Test will be replaced with an English Test to include comprehension tasks plus spelling, punctuation and grammar questions (SPAG).

Whilst we were already covering SPAG and comprehension tasks in our lessons, in light of this change, we will be reviewing and making amendments to our English lessons.

However, with writing being so important for all student’s schoolwork, plus it is still part of the Kent 11+ Test, we will continue to include writing tasks in our English lessons.

At Tuition Academy, we feel that overall, this is not a big change to the syllabus we were already teaching, just the format of the final Medway 11+ Test itself.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions at all, you can call us on 01634 714449.


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